Youth Cycling Program
See our Facebook Group site: “EBC Kids!”
- An Evansville Bicycle Club Youth Cycling Program Coordinator will be appointed annually.
- Evansville Bicycle Club Members can ride with a Child or Grandchild at any location deemed safe by the Parent or Grandparent and may submit those miles toward a Youth Cycling Award. Youth Miles completed on a bicycle, mountain bicycle, in a trailer, on a tag-a-long or on a tandem bicycle will qualify.
- A Youth Cyclist must be accompanied by an EBC Member Parent or Grandparent for Youth Miles to be counted. We will not open the door to parents allowing their children to ride with non-member inexperienced cyclists for the purpose of attaining EBC Youth Miles.
- The Youth Cyclist must be a Member of the Evansville Bicycle Club for Youth Miles to be counted. In the case of an EBC Member Grandparent wishing to ride with a non-member grandchild, the EBC Member Grandparent will need to obtain a signed Release of Liability from the parents of the grandchild. The Release of Liability must be submitted before the grandchild can be included in the EBC Youth Cycling Program.
- The Youth Cyclist MUST wear a Bicycle Helmet on ANY ride submitted for Youth Miles.
- As a part of our Youth Cycling Awards Program a Youth Cyclist can qualify for any of six achievement levels:
- A Certificate of Achievement will be presented to a Youth Cyclist for any Youth Miles
- A Mileage Award Certificate will be presented for mileage attained from 25 to 250 Miles
- A Mileage Award Plaque will be presented for Youth Miles at or above 250 Miles
- A Bronze Medal will be presented to a Youth Cyclist attaining 500 Miles
- A Silver Medal will be presented to a Youth Cyclist attaining 750 Miles
- A Gold Medal will be presented to a Youth Cyclist attaining 1000 Miles
- We will not have a Youth Mileage Leader Award. Our objective is to promote Teamwork & Cooperation among all EBC Parents to encourage All the Kids to Ride More Miles!
- To encourage Adult participation in Youth Cycling we will give Adult mileage credit to an EBC Member for the miles they ride with their child or grandchild.
- To encourage Community involvement Youth Cyclists have the opportunity to earn mileage for their participation in the many community outreach programs of the EBC. Mileage will be awarded exactly as it is for the adults participating in those same events.
- No more than 50% of Youth Mileage Award Miles can be obtained through Community Service. While we strongly encourage Community Service, the Kids have to get out and ride their Bikes to achieve Mileage Awards. example: If a Youth has attained the mileage for a 250 Mile Award, no more than 125 of those miles can be from Community Service credit.
- Our Youth Cyclists can transition into the Adult Mileage Awards Program when the Parents and/or Grandparents feel it is both appropriate and SAFE to do so.
- The Evansville Bicycle Club has established a Facebook Group “EBC Kids”. “EBC Kids” can be utilized by parents to communicate about getting the kids together for rides, to share good ride locations, as a place to upload & share photo’s of our Youth Cyclists, and to provide communication about the EBC Youth Cycling Program to the public.
- Our Newsletter, the “EBC Bikewriter” has a mileage log to track the achievements of our Youth Cyclists. The Youth listing is sorted alphabetically rather than by mileage attained.
- Youth Miles and the accompanying Adult Miles on a Youth Mileage ride can be submitted via EMAIL to Rusty Yeager at:
- If a Youth Cyclist participates in a regularly scheduled EBC Club Ride, both the Adult and the Youth cyclist should Sign-In and list their mileage on the Sign-Up sheet. In this case you do not need to send a separate email to Rusty for either the Adult or Youth Mileage.
- Youth Miles should be submitted in increments of 1 mile. No more than one submission should be made for any single day. If on a given day you ride with your youth 3 separate times for 1 mile each time, you can make a single submission of 3 miles for that day.
- Mileage submissions to Rusty Yeager should include the Day, Date, Parent or Grandparent Name, Youth Cyclist Name, Miles Ridden, & the Location of the Ride. example:
The opportunity for EBC Members to ride with their Youth Cyclists in a SAFE and controlled environment, and for those Youth Cyclists to be recognized for their Cycling achievements is a cornerstone of the Youth Cycling Program!